Tanzspiel in zwei Teilen

Das Schachspiel ist der Kampf zwischen schwarzen und weißen Schachfiguren.
Frieden zwischen den beiden Lagern ist - nach den Regeln des Spieles – unmöglich. Die Figuren sind – wenn sie auch gegen diese Regeln sind, oder wenn sie auch mit ihren persönlichen Ambitionen ein

friedliches Miteinander anstreben wollen - erbarmungslos zum Verlieren verurteilt. Weil ihnen diese Regeln von einer höheren Macht, namentlich von den zwei Spielern, aufgezwungen werden. Für diese sind die Figuren mit ihren unterschiedlichen Gefühlswelten nur Spielsteine, die man hin und her schiebt. Die sind bloß Spielzeuge in den Händen der Machthabenden.


The essence of chess is the fight between dark and light/ black and white. According to the laws of chess the opposition is unrelenting-irreconcilable. The chessmen – even if they riot against the law, even if they searched at their ambition for reconciliation – have to fail mercilessly. As this law is forced on them by a higher power, by the two players, who consider the figures possessing emotions, really only as „dolls” to shuffle, as instruments in the hand of might.

The BOTAFOGO Dance Ensemble

The predecessor of the ensemble was founded in 1986.
The main feature of the Botafogo Dance Ensemble is the set of Latin-American dances and the competitive form of these. This is the first ensemble in the World which provides performances based on the figures of these dances , adapted to theatrical needs, which can entertain people for an entire evening. The evenings with houses full to capacity seem to prove that this form of art is suitable to stage as well. The language of the team is comprehensible to everyone, entertaining and international.
World Champion 2008 and 2009 of show dance formation and European Champion 2008 of Visual Dance Formation
European Champion 2007 of show dance formation
Show dance World Champion 2005
European Champion of Visual Dance Formation in 2001 and 2004 as well!
Bronz medal on the World Championship of Visual Dance Formation in 2004.
First place on 71st Blackpool Dance Festival, British Open Championships in 1996
Silver medal on 74th and 78th Blackpool Dance Festival, British Open Championships in 1999, 2003 and 2004
Sixth place in the World Championships of Formation Dances in 1993.
Austrian Show Dance Formation Champion 2001
Take part in show concerts in the company of Richard Clayderman, Gibson Brothers, Boney M and Mel Jackson
Participation on latin formation championships in the most european countries (e.g.: Great-Britain, Germany, France, Netherland, Norway, Austria, Poland, Czech, Slovakia, Romania etc...
Several times invited guests on the Ball of Lichtenstein
Gave show program in the Republic of Dominica in 1996